Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wife Battery

This is a rather short note but i think it's worth sharing.

On my way back from church this morning, I beheld a shocking scene, know what it was I saw that made my blood run cold?
A man stopped his car on the busy road against passersby and traffic only to come out of the car, leave the kids in the back seat and start beating his wife in full public glare. crazy huh? Now this family was either coming from or going to church and whatever it was this wife did to her husband, he just couldn't wait until they got home.

Lagosians of course went to intervene and tried to get the poor wife outta the car but she was hearing none of it and it got me wondering.

What could have happened to that couple that reduced them to “stop the car in the middle of the road and beat the crap outta her?” I mean the husband did not care about the kids’ feelings, who by the way, were crying in the backseat of the car before hitting their mum in public. I mean tomorrow he’ll apologise for being a jerk in public and she’ll forgive him and hope that he’ll never do it again. But pray tell! What kind of man treats his wife like that in public? And what if he does it again?
she'll just have to go on forgiving him right? cos marriage is for better, for worse.